Saturday, April 28, 2012

How to create a resume- the basics

Everywhere you look today, everyone is a resume expert. I have found, in my opinion, it is truly a subjective item. This expert that you pay big bucks has decided his way is best, however if you submit that to someone else they might say NEH. What do YOU think?
Its YOUR resume. It is a reflection of YOU!!  It should be a breakdown of your history in your career so you should be the one that feels great when you have completed it.

So what do you include? Lately, everyone has a suggestion. Here is an excerpt from an article in Linkedin about what should be included:
  1. CLEAR FORMAT-  You want to ensure you are choosing something that professional. Using something with 12 point font that is not to distracting should be used. I personally have a 12 point font for resume, 14 for headings.
  2. RESUME TITLE- A resume without a title is like a chapter of a book with no heading. Write down your ultimate goal. Concierge Manager is what mine currently states, your might be Front Office Agent, ensure you have a title.
  3. QUICK TAG LINE & PROFILE- After your title, you want to ensure you have a one sentence tagline to further promote your skills and give a quick snapshot of brand value. Then, add a profile of your qualifications in one or two sentences. Tailor your resume with keywords from the job description to assist your resume get past the electronic filing system.
  4. EDUCATION- Recruiters and Hiring Managers don't need to know WHEN you went to High School but it is important to include certificates or college degrees that are applicable to the job your applying for. 
  5. VOLUNTEERING- This one sometimes get some bad attention but I whole heartily believe it is important, especially if you have been out of work for sometime. Employers would like to see how you spend your free time. Are you working with agencies in your field? For example, for a Concierge, are you coupling with the Clef D'Ors organization? Volunteering is a fabulous way to showcase outside talents to your leaders and giving back feel incredible and is worth telling people about.
These are just a few examples of what should be included in your resume. There is so much that could be included here I would be writing pages upon pages of content. Look, this is YOUR showcase, you should include things that make YOU sparkle and shine. You want to ensure people are reading exactly what your about and what sets YOU apart from everyone else applying for these position.

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