Wednesday, March 28, 2012

8 keys for successful Hotel work teams

The success if any Hotel isn't just about getting the guests into your rooms, it isn't about the delicious food that your signature restaurant had rave reviews about. Sure, it helps, all of it helps....makes it an incredible location. As Walt Disney once said, "it's the people that make the difference". He knew very well that creating magic was great but it's the folks you have working for you that rule make your place....well to paraphrase- MAGICAL.
Take a peak at this article from HOTEL NEWS NOW- if your not engaged with the 8 keys, you may have to rethink things.

8 keys for successful hotel work teams


You have done your research, you have booked everything yourself. Your proud that your finally going on that much needed vacation. Now comes the dubious task of packing. Now I know in this day in age, your already connected socially through media. You have been bombarded with every little tip, trick, suggestion. Your friends have all told you EXACTLY what they did when THEY went....and so on and so on. You have also become an expert in your own self, knowing exactly what you need and do not when you travel, or so I hoped you have. However, sometimes, the most junior of suggestions are overlooked because you assume they are just for those with children or you know already, but have you THOUGHT about them as you are about to leave your Hotel room? Being in a hot climate destination for your vacation offers so much to the traveler. They have honestly thought of everything to make your stay more enjoyable, or that is what they have advertised. That Theme Park is looking soooo fun and your about to walk out that door. You have transportation, you have your tickets already, but these three key items will totally make your day SOOOOOO much more magical:

  1. SUNSCREEN- you have to remember if your traveling to a sunnier destination and your going to be spending hours out in the sun, BRING IT WITH YOU!!  Just because you applied it at 8am this morning doesn't mean that it is going to stay on. You already know the facts and figures of sun damage, it is literally forced on you everywhere you look. HEED THE WARNING!! Being in a steamy spot for the day, walking around at attractions and displays and such, your gonna need to re-apply. you can certainly purchase it at every stop along the way too, but it is normally very expensive so to say a few bucks for the churro your have wanted to try, bring some with and you will certainly thank me later.
  2. HEADWEAR- sounds like something someone with small children would bring but no, NOT YOU!!  Your too educated for that. ARE YOU? A simple ball cap can seriously make all the difference when your out at 3pm waiting for the parade to start and the afternoon sun is baking you like ......well an egg on cement. You have the sunscreen and you know that something so small will make you so much more comfortable and isn't THAT what this trip is about? Relaxing, having FUN and enjoying ourselves? I can assure you that a sunburn on your head the very first day out at the parks is NOT going to be FUN and RELAXING!!  Slap that cap on and lets get moving. We don't want to wait in that long line in the sunshine without it!!
  3. WATER- MOST IMPORTANT but very few thing its going to apply to them. Please realize, that soda that you grabbed to quench your thirst is only SUGAR WATER. it's going to raise your levels and make you hyper and it will taste fantastic going down but it will only last for as long as it trickles down your throat. You already know I am sure that your body NEEDS water, it's mostly made up of it and you need to replenish much like the sunscreen mentioned about. The great thing today is most of the Theme Parks I have visited, I mean lets be honest, I worked at one so I am well aware, they have locations every few feet for retail purchases. They know you need to hydrate and they make it extremely available. Be SMART..........keep hydrated.
These may certainly read of basic knowledge......Kindergarten tips if you will, but as long as we are remembering the BASICS and follow them, we assure you that this trip will be one that you will brag to all your friends about when you return. You will remind them that THEY THEMSELVES talked of sunburns and being sick whilst you have had a trip you will never forget.

Now, if you will excuse me, it's 3pm and I have an afternoon Siesta planned by the pool. I also know that this is the time that is most busy and I want to avoid the lineups and crowds. Plus......this pool is SOOOOOOOOO cool and feels SOOOOOO great. Until next time

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Building rapport

Why do you sometimes feel when you meet someone after 2 seconds that you have known each other for years it seems? Or, did you feel as though you were pulling teeth to try and get a smile out of someone? Can you build it? Rapport is an extremely important tool to use for everything in our lives and knowing and understanding what it is and what it does for you, you can totally use it to your advantage and make all your interactions with people successful ones.
To help you on this rapport quest, perhaps first we need to learn exactly WHAT it is?

What is RAPPORT?
Rapport is a relationship of mutual  understanding or trust between people.
Indicators of good rapport:
  • similar body language
  • gesturing in the same way
  • same rhythm of speech and movement
  • similar breathing levels
  • tone of voice
Now that we have brought out exactly what it is and examples of it, we can totally start to recognize why it is so important. Guests, customers, suppliers and even your colleagues. The more you recognize the indicators, the more you can change yourself and adjust to mirror NOT mimic the person with whom you are trying to establish a rapport with.
Have you thought about your words? Have you heard that your tone, volume, pitch and emphasis actually accounts for 38% of communication that we acknowledge. 55% actually comes from the person's appearance and physiology. I mean how we SIT or STAND and our facial expressions truly do mean something so be very aware. If your keeping count, that means 93% of our communications are actually unconscious ones.

Just remember that being aware of ourselves, paying attention and remember to SMILE all create a rapport that will assist you your entire life. Once you can master the art of excellent rapport, you are set for life.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hospitality and International Dining.....some surprising Etiquette Rules that could really surprise you

Whilst we are on the Hospitality subject, we shall also focus on Etiquette. While traveling is exciting and a dream for many, to try and fit in and not be ignorant of different cultures, I recommend taking some serious time and investigate other cultures and how to act once eating because let's be honest, we all eat.
Here are some extremely surprising Etiquette Rules you may be surprised to learn:

  1. India, parts of Africa and in the Middle East, don't even THINK about eating with your left hand- This could be totally ridiculous when you first read this but in these regions, using your left hand symbolizes bodily functions and is looked upon as extremely dirty. They wouldn't even so much as pass important documents with the left hand.
  2. When in Mexico, do not eat a taco with a knife and fork- in Mexico, dine as the Mexicans do and don't be worried about being messy and try to use a knife and fork. It is said to be somewhat snobby and down right silly actually, much like eating a burger with a knife and fork. Go for it, EAT WITH YOUR HANDS- it's actually allowed.
  3. Thinking about drinking a cappuccino after lunch in Italy? Italians believe that it's only prior to lunchtime for a delicious cappuccino. cappuccino is said to give an upset stomach. You want to immerse yourself into the culture and NOT look like a tourist so try asking for one with a cappuccino and a croissant for breakfast but if your totally craving caffeine later, an espresso is totally fine. Hey, the more you know right?
  4. When in France, don't even THINK about eating that bread as an appetizer before dinner- In France, it is custom to enjoy it WITH your meal, or save it for the cheese course at the end of the meal. And a hint not to get disgusted, anywhere else, placing the bread directly on the table is faux pas but it France, totally acceptable. Who knew?
  5. Italy trip in your future? Don't expect to get served Parmesan cheese-  If you enjoy having a splash of Parmesan cheese sprinkled on your pizza, well you may be hurt to find out it's said to be a sin there. As a rule of thumb, if it's not offered, don't you dare ask for it.
Simply remember, when you travel, you are to immerse yourself into the culture, that totally includes eating. Don't be rude and expect arriving in Spain and wondering why you don't see a Texas Steakhouse. Be adventurous and try something local. It will make your trip and you might even incorporate a new tradition into your own home.
Bon Appetite!! 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Praising your colleagues

You have a fantastic team, but do they know that? So many leaders today have read and heard much about appreciation of your colleagues but do you sincerely do it? Do you know that you will get much more out of them when you recognize their achievements and hard work and determination. There is so much that you can do, I for one have even gone so far as to purchase small tokens to say thank you. Movie tickets, coffee are usually something I offer and its not that expensive but it your looking for non monetary items, these 4 things should really be remembered when providing it.

Be sincere.  Give praise only where it is due.
Give public praise.  The goal is to encourage employees to keep up the good work, while simultaneously encouraging others to put out greater effort.  Praising in public raises general morale.
Be specific in your praise.  Identify exactly what the employee worked on and what he or she accomplished.  Don’t just say, “Well done, Maggie.”  If the employee feels the praise isn’t genuine, it could have a negative effect.
 Provide some lasting recognition.  Consider a letter in the employee’s file or a simple celebration for the department that overcame a tough challenge.  Appreciation is not a one-shot event.  It needs to be ongoing.

You know how fantastic you feel when you have been recognized for your hard work, your dedication and you haven't been forgotten. Show them, when they deserve it, that they certainly do SPARKLE and they are appreciated, it will go a very long way.
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5 keys to a successful interview

You have convented the elusive Hospitality interview at that company you have been dreaming about, are you ready? I know that reading many blogs and articles on the wonderful web has provided you the tools to succeed in obtaining the interview, revamping your resume and cover letter and you even went so far as to investigate that company you want to work for. What next?
These 5 keys will give you an advantage for a successful interview:

  1. Look the Part- you have certainly heard it a million times but it stands to reason, if you look the part, you have more chances to GET the part. If you have done your homework, you have even went so far as to find out exactly what the dress code is. Ensure you are dressed for success. Showered, shaved for the men, hose for the woman and normally a well pressed and groomed suit. Lay off the cologne and perfumes, and accessories....keep them to a minimum. Remember, you are being judged from the time you walk into that building until the point you walk away. Make it count.
  2. Stand your ground- These hiring Managers or recruiters may bully you because they know how nervous you are. Sad but true. You might possibly be asked questions that were meant to throw you off on purpose to see if you can think on your feet and react accordingly. This is YOUR interview, take a deep breath, slow down and really think about your responses. My recommendation is to rehearse your interview prior to going. Sounds crazy but find someone you trust to provide some possible questions so that you have prepared and are calm and confident when providing them, that way, the ball stays in your court.
  3. Make it all about them- You have to remember one small key, you are trying to convince them what YOU can do for them. You need to prove and show them exactly what you can do and how your going to solve them problems they are currently facing and the exact reason they are meeting with you. Keep your stories to a minimum, they don't care. They want facts and personality.
  4. Be yourself- Sure, it's really important to put your best foot forward but be true to you. Let them really see you shine through. It is extremely important to remember that if you decide to reinvent yourself to be exactly what they are looking for and you are not, your BOTH going to be disappointed.
  5. Send the precious THANK YOU and follow up- Let's be honest, this is the most important thing for you to remember to do. This is certainly going to set you apart from the other applicants. You should certainly be remember everyone you can in contact with and send them an email and if your close enough, a hard copy note. Certainly remember to include to ask what your next step in the process is as well.
Remember these 5 key strategies will certainly place you in a fantastic spot to ensure a successful interview. Now, take a deep breath, get up and go get that job!!  GOOD LUCK!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

What are three key beliefs for success??

 I truly do believe that what you grew up believing has a huge influence on your life.
Perhaps if you incorporate the following, these may help:

  1. I AM CONFIDENT- Believing that you are confident and believing in yourself makes you look at any conflicts or problems as opportunities and speed bumps. You will eventually succeed and certainly wouldn't let anyone stand in your way.
  2. I AM IN CONTROL- You are in charge of your own destiny. You have the motivation to continue moving forward, even if you are going through a rough patch.
  3. I AM COMMITTED- If you 100% believe in yourself, you are determined, you will find anything to motivate you and will certain obtain your goals.
Look..... hard work, determination and a little bit of magic goes a very long way. If you can follow the three beliefs, and live them, you can do anything. I can certainly say that folks like Oprah, Steve jobs, and Mr. Donald Trump all have each one of these beliefs and have acted with them and have become the people and successful people they are. Do you have what it takes?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Engaged Employees

These days, everybody who is anybody is writing about engaged employees, my question though is this, where can you truly find engaged employees? Does it show? In this article, it states some pretty staggering figures about why guests don't return to properties. do you agree with their findings?

Engaged employees drive guest satisfaction

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Disney Fantasy gets Fairy God Mother

check out this link, watch the video as Mariah Carey christens the brand new Fantasy ship in New York City harbor as it begins to set sail for adventure.
Disney Cruise Lines is about to release the 4th ship in the fleet and the biggest to date. March 31st the inaugural cruise will set sail for a 7 day adventure.
Aqua Duck will see another deck full of water and excitment which was orignally created for the Dream, Disney Cruise Line's last ship released. However, the Fantasy will have the Aqua Lab, a brand new aquatic area for people to enjoy.
The regular luxury that you have grown to expect and enjoy from Disney Cruise Lines has obvioulsy been included and this girl can't wait to get on this newest ship.
But until I can, I will merely enjoy the christening again and dream of sunshine and open seas.

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

5 questions you should be asking during an interview

You have heard it all, you have read all the articles, yet they only seem to be focused on writing about what questions the companies will probably be asking you, but have you stopped to think about the questions you are suppose to ask them?

Yes this is about you. You are interviewing them as well. Mark my words, you may need that job, but if your not a great fit to the company, you will be living through this again and again. You simply cannot just start throwing your resumes out to everyone that hiring, you need to do your homework.
Times have certainly changed. You need to know everything you can about the company your thinking about working for. You need to ask thought prevoking questions to ensure you to will be a great fit. Here are 5 fantastic questions you might want to consider:

  1. Why is this position available? It is imperative to recognize if the position is new or if it already existed. Why did the previous person leave? However, if it is a new position, are you going to have some input on how to create the position?
  2. Who are you here? Finding out who the interviewer is and how long they have been with the company will give you a great clue on the culture of the company. If they are having troubles offering answers, this might give a red flag for you!
  3. What is your biggest problem right now? This is showing the company that you are already thinking of how you are able to contribute. Showing you are invloved already is allowing the hiring person to already see you in the position. Remember, visualization is everything.
  4. Where are you in the hiring process? This merely shows the company you are geniunely interested in the job all the while providing the needed information you require.
  5. Who's in charge? Just mentioning this explains to the company that you are ambitious and not merely a clock puncher.
Today's job market is fierce, difficult and with alittle help, learning and luck, you will nab that dream job, with the dream company and will live happily ever after. Ok, maybe not, but you will land that dream job.