Wednesday, March 28, 2012


You have done your research, you have booked everything yourself. Your proud that your finally going on that much needed vacation. Now comes the dubious task of packing. Now I know in this day in age, your already connected socially through media. You have been bombarded with every little tip, trick, suggestion. Your friends have all told you EXACTLY what they did when THEY went....and so on and so on. You have also become an expert in your own self, knowing exactly what you need and do not when you travel, or so I hoped you have. However, sometimes, the most junior of suggestions are overlooked because you assume they are just for those with children or you know already, but have you THOUGHT about them as you are about to leave your Hotel room? Being in a hot climate destination for your vacation offers so much to the traveler. They have honestly thought of everything to make your stay more enjoyable, or that is what they have advertised. That Theme Park is looking soooo fun and your about to walk out that door. You have transportation, you have your tickets already, but these three key items will totally make your day SOOOOOO much more magical:

  1. SUNSCREEN- you have to remember if your traveling to a sunnier destination and your going to be spending hours out in the sun, BRING IT WITH YOU!!  Just because you applied it at 8am this morning doesn't mean that it is going to stay on. You already know the facts and figures of sun damage, it is literally forced on you everywhere you look. HEED THE WARNING!! Being in a steamy spot for the day, walking around at attractions and displays and such, your gonna need to re-apply. you can certainly purchase it at every stop along the way too, but it is normally very expensive so to say a few bucks for the churro your have wanted to try, bring some with and you will certainly thank me later.
  2. HEADWEAR- sounds like something someone with small children would bring but no, NOT YOU!!  Your too educated for that. ARE YOU? A simple ball cap can seriously make all the difference when your out at 3pm waiting for the parade to start and the afternoon sun is baking you like ......well an egg on cement. You have the sunscreen and you know that something so small will make you so much more comfortable and isn't THAT what this trip is about? Relaxing, having FUN and enjoying ourselves? I can assure you that a sunburn on your head the very first day out at the parks is NOT going to be FUN and RELAXING!!  Slap that cap on and lets get moving. We don't want to wait in that long line in the sunshine without it!!
  3. WATER- MOST IMPORTANT but very few thing its going to apply to them. Please realize, that soda that you grabbed to quench your thirst is only SUGAR WATER. it's going to raise your levels and make you hyper and it will taste fantastic going down but it will only last for as long as it trickles down your throat. You already know I am sure that your body NEEDS water, it's mostly made up of it and you need to replenish much like the sunscreen mentioned about. The great thing today is most of the Theme Parks I have visited, I mean lets be honest, I worked at one so I am well aware, they have locations every few feet for retail purchases. They know you need to hydrate and they make it extremely available. Be SMART..........keep hydrated.
These may certainly read of basic knowledge......Kindergarten tips if you will, but as long as we are remembering the BASICS and follow them, we assure you that this trip will be one that you will brag to all your friends about when you return. You will remind them that THEY THEMSELVES talked of sunburns and being sick whilst you have had a trip you will never forget.

Now, if you will excuse me, it's 3pm and I have an afternoon Siesta planned by the pool. I also know that this is the time that is most busy and I want to avoid the lineups and crowds. Plus......this pool is SOOOOOOOOO cool and feels SOOOOOO great. Until next time

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