Each one of our leaders whom we had admired might just all have something in common.
Studies show that these 8 signs are probably in each one. Can you spot them in yours?
- Leaders know that works is certainly not a battlefield- teams are created NOT minions. The extraordinary leaders seamlessly create environments cohesive to adaptability and can form partnerships easily.
- A company is a community not a machine- Rigid structure is created by the average leader, maintaining full control of the ship. The extraordinary leader sees their company as a collection of hopes and dreams, which are all connected to the higher purpose. They inspire the colleague to succeed to themselves and then to their peers.
- Management is a service and not control- Average leaders expect to be heard and followed completely, no questions asked. The order is barked and you, the drone carry out the task. The extraordinary leader merely allow you to guide yourself and make themselves available for guidance and emergencies.
- My employees are my peers, not my children- The average leader will only see the colleague as an inferior being who cannot be trusted. Basically these colleagues that follow the average boss merely look busy when the leader is in view and providing the minimal amount of energy to complete a task ordered at them. The extraordinary leader treats each and every colleague like they were the most important person on the team. Excellence is expected in all facets of the business from the loading dock to the board room. In this way, the colleague becomes in charge of their own destiny.
- Motivation comes from vision, not fear- Obviously the extraordinary leader would inspire the colleagues, providing a vision of the future. Thus, the colleagues works much harder because they to believe in the cause. The average leader provides a sense of terror and fear. Thus there is no motivation but merely bullying provided.
- Change equals growth, not pain- The average leader will express that change is both complicated and threatening, even casting a shadow of doubt in the liability of the firm. The extraordinary leader expresses that change is part of life. They admit it is not welcomed always but success is a progressive step to bigger and better for all involved.
- Technology offers empowerment, not automation- What the average leader doesn't allow himself to embrace the future, he sees this as a loss of job, including his own with the birth of technology in the workplace. The extraordinary leader welcomes technology with open arms, adapting the technology into the workplace and taking now the ability to integrate into daily tasks.
- Work should be FUN and not merely toil- Average leaders thinks that work is an evil necessity of life. Their expectation is that every colleague dreads work and is terrorized by it, which in tern allows the leader to create fear once again. The extraordinary leader creates an atmosphere of joy and exemplifies the enjoyment he feels coming in each and everyday.
Working is the inevitable, we all must do it in order to survive, however, we have recognized these days that loving your job, your surroundings, your leaders, IS possible and they all happen to share these incredible qualities we all urn to have.