Monday, April 30, 2012

The 8 signs you have an extrodiary boss

You have all been around an incredible leader, I am sure you remember their name, and everything that made them your favorite. Perhaps, you still work under their leadership and your the lucky one.
Each one of our leaders whom we had admired might just all have something in common.
Studies show that these 8 signs are probably in each one. Can you spot them in yours?

  • Leaders know that works is certainly not a battlefield- teams are created NOT minions. The extraordinary leaders seamlessly create environments cohesive to adaptability and can form partnerships easily.
  • A company is a community not a machine- Rigid structure is created by the average leader, maintaining full control of the ship. The extraordinary leader sees their company as a collection of hopes and dreams, which are all connected to the higher purpose. They inspire the colleague to succeed to themselves and then to their peers.
  • Management is a service and not control- Average leaders expect to be heard and followed completely, no questions asked. The order is barked and you, the drone carry out the task. The extraordinary leader merely allow you to guide yourself and make themselves available for guidance and emergencies.
  • My employees are my peers, not my children- The average leader will only see the colleague as an inferior being who cannot be trusted. Basically these colleagues that follow the average boss merely look busy when the leader is in view and providing the minimal amount of energy to complete a task ordered at them. The extraordinary leader treats each and every colleague like they were the most important person on the team. Excellence is expected in all facets of the business from the loading dock to the board room.  In this way, the colleague becomes in charge of their own destiny.
  • Motivation comes from vision, not fear- Obviously the extraordinary leader would inspire the colleagues, providing a vision of the future. Thus, the colleagues works much harder because they to believe in the cause. The average leader provides a sense of terror and fear. Thus there is no motivation but merely bullying provided.
  • Change equals growth, not pain- The average leader will express that change is both complicated and threatening, even casting a shadow of doubt in the liability of the firm. The extraordinary leader expresses that change is part of life. They admit it is not welcomed always but success is a progressive step to bigger and better for all involved.
  • Technology offers empowerment, not automation- What the average leader doesn't allow himself to embrace the future, he sees this as a loss of job, including his own with the birth of technology in the workplace. The extraordinary leader welcomes technology with open arms, adapting the technology into the workplace and taking now the ability to integrate into daily tasks.
  • Work should be FUN and not merely toil- Average leaders thinks that work is an evil necessity of life. Their expectation is that every colleague dreads work and is terrorized by it, which in tern allows the leader to create fear once again. The extraordinary leader creates an atmosphere of joy and exemplifies the enjoyment he feels coming in each and everyday. 
Work has not always offered a sense of joy, pleasure and contentment for most, but for those select few, the ones that have had the distinct pleasure of having an extraordinary leader, it was a sense of happiness to return day after day into work. Sharing ideas and knowledge was certainly never looked down upon but made to feel as though it was welcomed.
Working is the inevitable, we all must do it in order to survive, however, we have recognized these days that loving your job, your surroundings, your leaders, IS possible and they all happen to share these incredible qualities we all urn to have.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

How to create a resume- the basics

Everywhere you look today, everyone is a resume expert. I have found, in my opinion, it is truly a subjective item. This expert that you pay big bucks has decided his way is best, however if you submit that to someone else they might say NEH. What do YOU think?
Its YOUR resume. It is a reflection of YOU!!  It should be a breakdown of your history in your career so you should be the one that feels great when you have completed it.

So what do you include? Lately, everyone has a suggestion. Here is an excerpt from an article in Linkedin about what should be included:
  1. CLEAR FORMAT-  You want to ensure you are choosing something that professional. Using something with 12 point font that is not to distracting should be used. I personally have a 12 point font for resume, 14 for headings.
  2. RESUME TITLE- A resume without a title is like a chapter of a book with no heading. Write down your ultimate goal. Concierge Manager is what mine currently states, your might be Front Office Agent, ensure you have a title.
  3. QUICK TAG LINE & PROFILE- After your title, you want to ensure you have a one sentence tagline to further promote your skills and give a quick snapshot of brand value. Then, add a profile of your qualifications in one or two sentences. Tailor your resume with keywords from the job description to assist your resume get past the electronic filing system.
  4. EDUCATION- Recruiters and Hiring Managers don't need to know WHEN you went to High School but it is important to include certificates or college degrees that are applicable to the job your applying for. 
  5. VOLUNTEERING- This one sometimes get some bad attention but I whole heartily believe it is important, especially if you have been out of work for sometime. Employers would like to see how you spend your free time. Are you working with agencies in your field? For example, for a Concierge, are you coupling with the Clef D'Ors organization? Volunteering is a fabulous way to showcase outside talents to your leaders and giving back feel incredible and is worth telling people about.
These are just a few examples of what should be included in your resume. There is so much that could be included here I would be writing pages upon pages of content. Look, this is YOUR showcase, you should include things that make YOU sparkle and shine. You want to ensure people are reading exactly what your about and what sets YOU apart from everyone else applying for these position.

Friday, April 27, 2012

How do you treat your guests on extended stay guests?

Often the biggest challenge for business is to know your customer. But do you? There are studies constantly done on service at properties. The key ingredients to a stay at a Hotel is quick check-in, a clean room, friendly front desk colleagues and a quick and seamless check-out. But what happens to those guests that are on extended stays?
The above works for all guests but how do you meet the needs of ALL your guests? Directions to surrounding attractions and events, laundry facilities,local restaurants that we favor more than others, movie theaters.....all things that extended stay guests might require.
True "Hoteliers" know that additions services are a necessity to have these at the ready but it's how they are communicated is the true key here.
Larger chains provide business centers for those guests requiring directions or the printing of boarding passes for air travel and email, they have computer stations for that too.
Offering options to our guests is always first and foremost but personal service and attention makes repeat guests. I know of properties that have desk attendants that bake for extended stayers, offer greeting cards for celebrations and even offer to do light clerical duties as well. Personal wake up services is something that would be fantastic instead of the usual dull ring on the telephone.

As a personal mission of mine, I have intended to ensure each and every guest I come in contact with feels as though they are staying at my home. Think if it this way, if you were faced with a serious illness and were forced into a Hospital and your loved ones needed to be with you and couldn't stay in the room with you, where are they going to stay? Most times, it's the little personal touches that mean the most, leave the lasting impressions.
When my brother was fighting cancer and we were traveling more than an hour and a half for treatments, finding a property close to the Hospital and was affordable was a God sent but having people that made you part of their own family was more than I could have ever dreamed of. That connection that was created through the check-in process and continued on with phone calls to check on us and to ensure we ate was appreciated more than that guest service colleague probably ever imagined.
It should always be our goal as service professionals to ensure our guests are reminded they are more than a dollar figure. We must continuously reinforce our service to them during each and every encounter we have with them. Removing barriers and creating an open environment will ensure that the industry returns to it's origins and the pride that we should feel when getting onto that desk shines through.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Have a colleague you aren't exactly friends with?

Look, we have all been there. We aren't going to like everybody we come in contact with. What's worse in fact is having it happen at work. What do you do? I know it's an extremely difficult position and it's totally draining you. Here are 3 great tips to try:

  1. Keep it to YOURSELF- Most difficult and I have seen it a million times, when we are in conflict with others, we chat about it. Tell fellow colleagues and complain, get it off our chest. It truly reflects badly on you, not to mention it totally brings others down. If you want to vent, do it OUTSIDE the workplace. I have been negligent on this one myself but have changed my ways. When you know better you do better.
  2. Manage your reaction-  I realize this one is going to be a toughy but try and not react when someone has totally annoyed you. Focusing on how YOU react and NOT how they have is key. You can only control YOURSELF and not others. Be aware of this. You look like the better person when you can manage yourself anyways.
  3. Work together- Perhaps a fantastic opportunity to maybe see the reasons for their poor behavior. Are they stressed at home? Pressure from his leader? 
All in all, its a tough situation to be in. It is beyond frustrating having to go to a place you spend the majority of your life at in some cases, and having to deal with someone that your uncomfortable certainly doesn't help. Stay calm. Be the better person. Breath. Working through it is truly the key. Your leaders will appreciate your control.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How to conduct training they will actually enjoy!

That's right, we have all been there. Confined and trapped in a windowless room with 50 of your colleagues listening to some snore-fest about a topic you have long forgotten.
Have you considered however how it feels to BE that person conducting the training? How do you manage to balance the facts, entertaining the masses and believe me, you MUST do some great tricks to keep them amused and have some participation?
If your facing your first go at it, relax. Following a few simply steps will create an atmosphere that everyone will be interested in, even you...the leader.

  1. BE PREPARED- Sounds so incredibly simple doesn't it? And yet, most people wing it. Sure you have the material you need to cover but walking in with merely material is still not enough. Are you using a power point presentation? Does the location your in have AV capabilities? Are you familiar with them? Do you need to have someone set it up prior to your arrival? Do you have handouts? Are you familiar with the location? To ensure your prepared, make sure your arriving early, have everything you need and take a moment or 5 to relax and mentally go over everything.
  2. SET THE STAGE- Do not ever take for granted that the people your training know what is going on. Provide your people with an agenda for the day, the material you will be covering. A brief explanation of who exactly you are. A silly ice breaker may get some eyes rolling in the audience but it is a fantastic way for everyone to get familiar with everyone in the group and a relaxing way for you to begin. Ensure you will be taking questions and all in all set everyone at ease, including yourself.
  3. ENGAGE YOUR AUDIENCE- You have already learnt that your group will certainly not retain all the information you provide by merely reading over your notes that you painstakingly provided. Most are going to learn by doing. When you are able to interact with the trainer, the participators are the ones that learn the most, they are engaged. You can take steps to correct any errors and encourage which is another great example of great leadership.
  4. HAVE FUN- I am certainly not meaning that your stand-up act needs to be tested here but relax and allow everyone, including yourself to enjoy the experience. Including humor and personal antidotes really makes for a more pleasant experience for all.
  5. READ YOUR CROWD- This certainly can present a opportunity for you but consider it just that, an OPPORTUNITY!!  Are you noticing disengagement? Are they zoned out? Ok, it's time to think fast.....and because you are PREPARED you can insert some activity here to ensure the situation turns. Perhaps you would like to provide a break? Did you already have a recent break? Reading your audiences body language is going to be key here. 
  6. ASK FOR FEEDBACK- I have been involved in my fair share of training and there have been many that were engaging fun and informative, and yes, I admit there have been many that have been snore-fests and I walked out more confused than when I entered. However, asking for feedback will certainly protect you from the latter and ensure the first. Asking your groups for feedback is essential for your growth and also to merely ensure your getting across what you intended to. Providing a survey, an email address that they can visit afterwards, anything you think would provide the most feedback. You can always use constructive criticism and hey, you will lead the best training course the next time.
Simple steps. Simple steps that will create the best environment for  successful training. Take that deep breath, ensure you have everything and go get em.

First coordinated U.S. tourism campaign to launch in May

 The brand new initiative for the USA for tourism is expected to launch in May. A song has also been commissioned for the initiative as well. This Los Angeles Times article confirms and explains all.

First coordinated U.S. tourism campaign to launch in May

What are the key Disney principles to success?

So many stories are telling of downfall in business and leaders are often wondering what can be done to increase sales? You have looked at everything and still cannot come up with a plan. Often, we look to those around us that are successful and search for keys for their success and try to incorporate them into our own culture.
The Disney Institute has been delivering seminars and advice since the 90's on what the key principles are to their success. Now, Disney is certainly not going to give away all their secrets but enough of their cast members ( Disney talk for colleagues or employees) have spoken about it for years that they decided to create a program that other companies and leaders could benefit from.
Here are 5 key principles to the Disney Institutes program for success:
  1. Leadership- Disney has always taken much pride in their leaders. From Walt Disney himself to the present CEO Bob Iger and the hundreds of current leaders from Disney Parks to Resorts, Cruise Ships and beyond, the key to this empire is leadership. There is much training that is involved to be a Disney leader and that is what sets them apart from many corporations.
  2. Training- As mentioned above with leadership, training goes hand in hand with each one of these keys to success. Training is started with everyone attending a Traditions class. From street cleaners, servers to trash collectors to the CEO, everybody who works for this dynamic company flows through this class. Offering a glimpse at the Disney traditions incorporates and encompass all that is Disney. Remember folks, its not WHAT you sell but what you BELIEVE. Thus, when you are told of the beginnings of Disney and everything it entailed and how far they have come, you get to start to see exactly what you signed up for when you were hired. If you do not believe in your product how can you expect anyone to buy into it? No matter if you sell cars, real estate or corporations, if you believe in it, you can sell it to others.
  3. Guest Experience- No one certainly ever needs to discuss exactly what sets Disney apart from every other company in the world.....GUEST EXPERIENCES. MAGIC as it were. It truly is the people that make the difference with Disney and this follows through with the guest experience. You want to ensure you are meeting and exceeding EVERY last expectation of your guest. In the Hospitality world this is what makes or breaks your business. Disney strives to ensure that each and every guest that walks through those turnstiles, checks into their Resorts and boards those ships has been given the very best possible experience. Trust me, those guests certainly provide feedback on that. GOOD & BAD!!! Their expectations are high, Disney set the standards and they are expected to uphold it. DAILY!! 
  4. Brand Loyalty- No one could ever dispute this of Disney. Those magical experiences that occur every moment at Disney means that those feelings you get, remember and cherish account for brand loyalty. It also represents colleagues as well. When you believe in something, you have loyalty towards it. Have you ever worked for a company that had employees that only talked of experiences they had working for other properties? BRAND LOYALTY!! If you can win that, you will have guests for life. Remember that. You are creating something here. Feelings, and those my friend will equal dollar signs if created properly.
  5. Creativity- Every single part of Disney is about creativity. Walt Disney had a dream, we have heard it time and time again. Could you ever imagine that over 40 years ago that this simple man who wanted to merely create a place where his daughters could go, was safe and that parents would be just as entertained? Today, Disney is still 100% committed to creating magic. Each cast member is encouraged to be creative as well. Their leaders hopefully inspire them enough to create magic for each and every guest they come in contact with. This also includes those that are backstage or not in direct guest contact. Those people deal with others and those are called their guests. For example- Cosmetology- they are not in direct contact with guests however each and every cast member they have to dress IS their guests. From Imagineers to the street cleaners are all inspired to be creative. Speaking of which, nowadays, you might even find a Park sweeper creating Disney characters out of merely a bucket of water and a broom. THAT is creativity and has started to spread to the other Parks in the World. You see what alittle creativity can do?
All in all, business is a business and the almighty dollar rules. However, Disney has certainly started to offer other business that have been struggling as of late the opportunity to learn and train the Disney way.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Termination – How to Deal With It on Your Resume - Hcareers

If you have been terminated, let go or your position has been eliminated such as mine was, these keys will assist you in your recovery. REALLY!!

Termination – How to Deal With It on Your Resume - Hcareers

Great Managers lead THROUGH a Team

Some will say that Manage your team might seem so clear sounding although when we actually break it down, some may not even understand the concept. As I see it, understanding a Hospitality Team is understanding that the leader should lead their associates and direct them, not abuse and demand them.
People truly feel more committed and like they are making a contribution when in a TEAM environment. A mutual common goal creates an amazing atmosphere for success. It brings others together, not alienates and segregates. This social and emotional bond makes everyone believe WE will all succeed together or fail together and one ONE can succeed if the team fails. Unless you have never experienced what being in a team really is, you wouldn't comprehend these statements.
Something incredible happens in a team environment:
  1. A mutual sense of purpose- Even the highest preforming team believes this to be true. This is the largest difference in creating something quite magical. This is exactly what pulls people together and makes you feel that you are included in something bigger than themselves.
  2. Tangible goals based on that purpose- Purpose must be made concrete or it will swiftly die. To ensure it sustains it's sense of purpose, every team must strive towards specific, real achievements that will fulfill that purpose.
Think of it merely as glue holding that team together. Purpose without concrete goals is just a dream. Remember that a team also must have roles and responsibilities to work. Work processes is also a key ingredient if you will. The exact way that the team does the work, for example the way decisions are made. Also, keys such as values, standards, etc. This defines exactly what this team expects of each player.

Then, your job as leader is to foster and then sustain these key ingredients that will assist your team.
A wonderful and well defined team can create magic, success and joy for all involved.
My question is this- are you infact leading THROUGH your team?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

It's not WHAT you sell, it what you BELEIVE

This may take some time for you to ingest. This is a proven scientific fact that despite many trying to accomplish greatness in the likes of Walt Disney, Steve Jobs and many more who have come before us, the message remained true for all, "It's not what you sell, it's what you believe".
Not to make this difficult, I will explain simply....every person who works with the Walt Disney Company, Apple, places like Cirque De Soleil and many more all understand, REGARDLESS of their title of job function, understand what makes the organization tick and why what the organization does matters.
Walt Disney truly went for sentimental things, more importantly FEELINGS!! What you FEEL sells.
What you BELIEVE sells.
CEO's and companies struggle daily with the fact that their company is loosing and can't seem to figure out why and how's. Walt made each one of his cast members believe they were all in a show. Didn't matter if you were the ticket taker, the refreshment stand gal or the performers or the CEO, you had a ROLE. This in tern lead to feelings. Connections. Same as those guests entering the Park, ship or Resort on a daily basis. They FEEL things. They feel compassion for Cinderella who went from a slave to a Princess. They believed that Fairies were real and could fly. Walt believed that if you provided something that touched people, it would fly. Magic as Disney likes to call it but it certainly does have merit, not to mention millions and millions of dollars as well.

Remember also that belief is not something you can force on someone, you have to...well....feel it. If you don't believe you will never fit into the midset of any of these companies and will certainly fail. Look at those CEO's who have come before us, presented something and failed. You can't MAKE someone believe but if your creative enough, you can convince someone.
After over 40 years Disney certainly isn't showing signs of weakness any longer. They have recently released two new ships in the last year, opened a new luxury Resort in Hawaii, broke ground in China for a new theme park and shows absolutely no signs of slowing down.
So, you have to ask yourself, what is it that I believe in? Have you ever worked for someone and has an associate so entwined in the business that it made you crazy? You didn't believe.
I have been that person who works for a different company and often times find myself drifting back to my time working for Disney and it made others around me cringe. Although, it also made others stop and recognize that it was a FEELING. It's NOT what I did for Disney, it was how it made me feel.

Stop and take a hard look at your associates and listen to them, perhaps it's time to reevaluate somethings.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Are you attentive to your guests?

These days, Customer Service is the #1 thing on everyone's mind in the Hospitality Industry. Engaging interactions, ensuring that guests are taken care of  but are you truly in the MOMENT with each and EVERY guest?
Greeting them and locating their reservations, answering questions, dealing with other colleagues.....there is enough going on around you to truly make you a multitask expert. Are you in really in the MOMENT with your guest? Are you giving the guest at your focus 100% of your attention?
If you agree that you have not always been PRESENT- here is a list of things you might want to ensure you are correcting ASAP:

  1. Snap to attention and focus on THEM!!!
  2. Greet them warmly, inquiring how you might be of service.
  3. Inquire where they are traveling from.
  4. Make them feel special.
  5. Treat each and EVERY guest as an INDIVIDUAL.
  6. RESPECT your guests by staying 100% focused on THEM and ONLY them.
  7. Show your guests your product knowledge and guest relations skill by offering examples.
We have heard over and over, treat others the way YOU would want to be treated. This is nothing new, but especially for the Hospitality colleague. I have been in the Industry long enough and have traveled extensively that I actually started acting towards my guests as I want to be treated when I arrive somewhere.
This is not only directed to Front Desk Agents, Managers. This is also including Restaurants, Spa's, Concierge Desk, Valet. Anything that requires you to be in immediate contact with a guest.
When I arrive at a Hotel normally I have been traveling for some time, am tired and ready to merely check in, deposit my luggage and RELAX. Dropping off my car, I want to ensure someone RESPONSIBLE is entrusted with my vehicle. Checking into a Spa, I want to RELAX and be PAMPERED. The restaurant must have a beverage and DELICIOUS food waiting for me with FRIENDLY and ENGAGING service.
This list seems obvious for many of us already in the Industry and loving what we do. However, there are those that will read this and I really do all these things? What can I do to change? If you are one of those people...CHEERS TO YOU!!  Fantastic that you have recognized there is room for improvement. For those of you that scoffed and laughed, pity on you. Your the ones THIS is for.
Engaged, happy, ATTENTIVE assistance....are YOU providing this for ALL your guests?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

9 hotel professional networking tips

 How did you get started in the Hospitality Industry? Did you dream of helping people in a restaurant when you were younger? Did you dream of taking a job halfway around the world at a luxury Hotel? Did you think that working for a Theme Park was exactly your dream job?
Many of us fell into the Industry bu chance, some of us discovered it was in our blood since birth, some out of necessity.
As a respected Hotel Colleague I know that Networking is a job unto itself. You need to be fully present and you need to engage yourself constantly.
Here is a wonderful read and offers 9 tips for Hotel Networking:

9 hotel professional networking tips

Making a lasting 30 SECONDS?

 30 SECONDS? Really? That's all your going to get, MAKE IT COUNT.
Today's aggressive job market means you have to hone your skills and ensure your first impression counts. So, to utilize your talent and SPARKLE......keep reading this article on ways to make a great first impression.

Monday, April 16, 2012

5 ways the Hospitality Industry helped me in the career

More times than not, most have had a hand in the Hospitality industry. Busing tables, serving tables, bar tending, or working in the kitchen washing the dishes when we were 15....we have all had a go at it.
You have to admit, you learnt so much when you were there. Team work, guest service excellence and so many more skills.

Here are the 5 ways the Industry helped you along in your career: read on

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Going ABOVE & BEYOND for guests

To many in the Hospitality Field this is something we strive for on a daily basis but when you are privileged enough to work for such incredible companies such as Fairmont Hotels & Resorts and Walt Disney World as I have, you know that we eat, sleep and breath this.
Providing our guests with everything they require is simply not enough these days in a competitive market. We need to ensure our guests are getting something SPECIAL.
For example, recently my brothers were fortunate enough to be on the Inaugural Disney Fantasy Maiden Voyage. Now I know what your thinking, it's the first sail, the cast members are SUPPOSE to be doing it, and that is partially right, but looking at this Towel creation that their room steward created for is obvious that this is NOT taught, it is CREATED and this is MORE than going above and beyond. It was SO incredible that my brothers thought that Jon Lasseter himself needed to see it.
This cast member was so frightened to be let go because of the miss use of the lifesaving vest he didn't want anyone to see it. I believe with all my being that THIS is going above and beyond. Each one of this gentleman's rooms had this waiting for them when they arrived from their busy days. Sure, it may have taken a little longer to create but the memories will certainly last a lifetime.
I have so many incredible memorable experiences I shared with my guests and even ones of people sharing with ME.
THIS is exactly what MAKES a vacation. It's something I believe that cannot be taught. You either have the sparkle inside or you do not. You can certainly try to recreate it but it's a talent, a gift and when you share it with others, it is magical indeed.

Of course Disney is famous for those magical moments but wouldn't you agree that they are worth every bit of effort it took for the cast members? I can tell you that they do not get paid NEARLY enough for their services and most of those smiling faces are doing it because they LOVE to assist their guests, to give them something EXTRA. To make that vacation........MAGICAL!

Do you have a moment when you went above and beyond for a guest? Why not take a moment and share with me and others.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

How do recruiters see YOUR resume?

Here is a fantastic article on scientific findings on what recruiters actually SEE when viewing your resume. You will be surprised at the results. Read on for more details.


Are you in the category of someone who is "coachable"? Do you have the ability to change behaviors in yourself?
I can certainly say for certainly that I am. I am a glutton for continuous learning and I try to constantly keep up with the latest news and trends, especially when it comes to the Hospitality Market.
Of course, reviewing the 5 steps to "coachability" can certainly be a huge asset. What are they you ask?

  1. HUMILITY-   The importance of this as our #1 step is extremely large. Humility is teaching us that there are things we need to do that we cannot do on our own. Humility cannot be obtained by reading a book, a life lesson that is acquired. Humility requires a CHANGE OF HEART not a CHANGE OF MIND. 
  2. ACTION BIAS- basic terms' JUST DO IT" - contemplate later. Enough said.
  3. PURITY OF PURPOSE- Are your intentions pure of heart or are you only thinking in monetary terms? 
  4. Willingness to surrender control- Most of us say that we will give UP control only when we SEE results. Realistically, the main reason most of us NEED coaching is to learn HOW to give up control!!  Interesting fact.
  5. FAITH- The benefits of change are often only obvious AFTER the actual change has occurred. How many times have you heard the statement' Well if I would have known THEN what I know NOW I would have changed SOONER". Silly, I can assume we have ALL made that statement a time or two in our lives.
Strangely enough, these 5 steps appear to be so simple and yet, why is it that we CANNOT sometimes accept them to move forward?

Coaching is an incredible and useful tool, valued by many but not readily accepted by all.

ARE YOU COACHABLE? Are you moving forward or stuck glancing behind you?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

7 steps for crating a successful Cover Letter

You have taken the opportunity to create, in your opinion, an award winning resume. You have worked exceptionally hard and have been diligently focused on representing yourself well.

The equation is not complete however, you must include a cover letter with that resume. It's like Salt & Pepper going together. The resume is one step but the inclusion of a Cover Letter offers the Hiring Manager and HR staff the opportunity to hear you showcase why YOU are the excellent candidate for the job they are searching high and low to hire.
What should you be including in this Cover Letter? Here are 7 great steps to ensure you are creating one for success:
  1. Grab the recruiter or HR Managers attention. THIS is the main reason for the letter in the first place.
  2. Always include your name and contact details. There is ALWAYS a chance it can get separated from your resume and it would certainly be a shame to have it happen to you so always ensure it does not.
  3. Always address your reader by their NAME and NEVER "To Whom It May Concern". You can be extremely creative locating the names if you truly do your research. Linkedin offers you a wonderful way of locating the name of the person who is doing the hiring. Merely go into the search box, type the companies HR Manager or Recruiter and I assure you it will pop up. VOILA!
  4. Always demonstrate your  passion, confidence and self belief in the first sentence. You absolutely read that correctly. You want to grab their attention and hold them and this is the time.
  5. Don't start your sentences with "I". Keep in mind that this letter is created for the employer and not yourself.
  6. Keep the letter to one page ONLY!! 3 paragraph's is plenty.
  7. Review, Revisit and Rewrite. Spell check is your very best friend, USE IT. I don't care if you won the spelling bee when you were in 6th grade, USE IT. Grammar is expected as well. I can tell you from personal experience I have watched HR Managers dismiss resumes upon first glance because there was a spelling mistake or grammatical error. It looks very bad.
These all seem to be simple no brainer to me and probably to yourself as well but please realize that the simplistic s of it are extremely imperative. The are keys to creating an impressive cover letter and will evidently get you into that all important JOB INTERVIEW. Do it right the first time, sell yourself and congratulations, you have the interview!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

The keys to success in Hospitality

What an incredible question, it's like offering the Fountain Of Youth for the Industry. Understanding what the keys are to success in the Hospitality Industry can be tricky. Or, they can be so simply the fundamentals to creating colleagues that keep your guests returning time and time again.
 Here are 4 truly timeless keys that will help you focus on success:

  1. Realize that EVERYONE is important- First and foremost you must realize that EVERYONE is important. From the bottom of the barrel associate to the top of the food chain President to every single guest that steps foot onto your property. If you start to realize the simple rule of TREATING EVERYBODY THE SAME, you change your thinking. Some of your most important guests are the ones that return to your property day in and day out to give the very best they can daily.....your colleagues. I am in no way disagreeing that every single guest is important and the ones you normally focus on but if you switch your thinking to include EVERYONE, you will begin to understand that you will grow so much richer for it. Your colleagues are the HEART of your business. They return day in a day out and without them, you wouldn't have a place for those guests to spend their money and THEY are the reason your guests return time and time again. You see service is what people require and want to pay money for. Sure, everyone needs a bed, or merchandise and certainly food to sustain them but it's the human interactions that truly make a difference.
  2. Give your people a purpose- Once you have changed your thought process for our first key, you will begin to get a return immediately. OWNERSHIP!!  Your colleagues will start to recognize that you believe in them, which in turn is given right back to your guests. My best piece of advice has and will always be, hire people better than you and you will receive ten fold back. Empowerment gives purpose and more about that later in the blog, however when your people start to know they matter, something magical starts to happen.
  3. Appreciate them, recognize their efforts and encourage encourage encourage- You have started to learn that the keys to success are your PEOPLE- NOT ONLY YOUR GUESTS!! Everyone can be entitled to a bad day, however when you switch your thought process to encouragement and appreciation and recognition, then your colleagues start to morph into wondrous assets. A little encouragement goes a very long way. Remember a time in your employment years when you were working your butt of and NEVER recognized and how to loathed going to work only to not be appreciated. I can certainly tell you that my life changed when I started working for a company that BELIEVED IN THEIR PEOPLE!!  They empowered us to make decisions on our own, thus levitating some of the stress from the leaders and creating leaders in the making. Acknowledgement is an incredible gift that can go a very long way. Create an experiment if you will. Take a week or two, keep a journal of every time you encourage someone, recognize a colleague for their services and encourage them during a particularity difficult run and I can place money on the fact that you will have a changed colleague. BE MY GUEST- TRY IT!!
  4. Make your colleagues your brand- Walt Disney knew from a very young age that he could create it but it was the PEOPLE would would make it. It's not the rides, the food although it's all pretty magical if you ask me but it's truly the people that MAKE Disney. Remember any time you have visited a Disney property and you can fondly remember every experience that created magic for you. Sure, you can find some pretty intense Cast Members but at the very heart of it is PASSION and they are certainly that. They merely go to work on a daily basis because of the opportunities to create magic, certainly not for the paycheck. ;)
These 4 keys are so simple after reading them a few times back aren't they? However, they are extremely important. They can truly transform a business. Hospitality is the #1 business that the world looks to for success and many of the most lucrative ones follow these few simply basic keys- Disney of course, Marriott, Fairmont and so many more.
Check back with me after trying them for a few weeks, I assure you, I will receive letters of gratitude and appreciation for the list.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Can I travel and get the service I deserve?

We are bombarded lately with articles from every expert, speaking of the art of Hospitality and which property offers the best of the best. Then there are the little guys who aren't affiliated with a ginormous corporation to back them and they worry are they not given enough.
Seems like we have a bit of a dilemma on our hands if you ask for my opinion. Good customer service practices should ALWAYS be in the forefront of anyone in business today, either in Hospitality or Business, makes absolutely no difference. It's such an extremely simple concept but some seem to fail in the understanding of it. Treat those guests with the utmost respect, deliver the goods in a timely fashion and ensure them a clean and inviting establishment. They WILL return. Time and time again.
The old adage is true, if you provide the best service you can, they may not always remember it specifically but they will remember how they were treated. Although lately with social media and instant communication, I can assure you that if someone has had a horrible or trying experience, the world will certainly know about it in seconds. Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin......any format that there is a following and you have the makings of disaster.
Here is a quick list of simple rules to follow when we think about Hospitality service:

  1. SMILE- ridiculous right? And yet, everyone reminds us of this topic multiple times. It is so easy to get caught up in daily tasks but when you have a guest in your midst, SMILE. They may have just had the most horrible of flight, screaming baby, turbulence, they could have been delayed for many hours and they have just arrived and all they want is a room. They are twisted up like a top and ready to them a favor and smile. They will lighten up and it gives the guest a moment to breath and calm down.
  2. BE HONEST- this might be an iffy one for some employers but really.......honesty is the best policy right? Wouldn't you yourself want the truth instead of a fluffy version? I want to know that there are no rooms available, or your going to walk me. I want to know that my flight is delayed because of troubles in LA and I need to make arrangements for my meeting this afternoon. I believe that most people would agree that telling me the truth rather than sugar coating it will cause alot less pain and alot less anger towards you. Take a deep breath, most people will understand it is NOT your fault your just merely the messenger. And guests, remember that Front Desk Agent is scared of you right now. DO NOT use that to your advantage. You know it's not THEM, they are merely trying to check you in. BE NICE!!
  3. FOLLOW THROUGH- I have been in the business for some time, I know what guests really want. Personally for me, if your offering something to me, FOLLOWING THROUGH IS KEY! Don't offer me something extra and never provide it, I realize your busy but follow through. When checking into a Hotel and the guest has requested something, take the 5 seconds to call the room and ensure the guest has received it. Nothing infuriates me more than asking for towels or a specialty item that has been promised by the desk and I return to my room and feel forgotten. It is beneficial for you to take the time and call. The guest is going to totally put you in his good books after this tiny simple task. TRUST ME
  4. LISTEN- look I realize that your 1500 room Hotel is overbooked and you have call out's in Housekeeping and this guest is completely melting down in front of you and your scared and embarrassed and probably angry but let me tell you something, take them aside, away from the other guests earshot and allow the guest to vent. 9 times out of 10 they merely want to be heard. They just need to get out what has happened in their day, their flight or work. Let them finish and THEN take the time to ensure that you have their best intentions at heart and you are going to do everything in your power to correct any wrong doing on your part. The guest really is going to appreciate the time and it will also most times allow them to cool off alittle. Most times, they will even recognize the error in thier ways and apologize. NOT ALWAYS however but alot of the time.
  5. BREATH- it may sound just like the #1 and the SMILE comment but I assure you, if you take a few moments to take some deep cleansing breaths, it will help. Your heart rate will slowly start to go down and you have provided your brain some extra oxygen. You will also be more calm and the ability to fact that opportunity with grace will occur. It's difficult I realize. Hey, I can tell you that I use to be known for freaking out alittle, but nowadays, I recognize that it's NOT me that they are angry at, merely the situation and I certainly didn't cause it. I am the one trying to fix it.
Simple tips that are extremely helpful. I know that I try daily to ensure I am following my top 5 list and although it doesn't always work, you see, I am being honest with you, but 99% of the time it really does. The end result is always 100% guest satisfaction and sometimes putting yourself in a calm, cool and open frame of mind is exceeding the guests expectations and isn't that why we are in the Hospitality Market to begin with?